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Agricultural and Rural Yard Burns

Agricultural and Rural Yard Burning is under the authority of the Yolo-Solono Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD).  To conduct an agricultural burn, you must have a Burn Permit from the YSAQMD. They may be reached at (530) 757-3660. Additional information and specific rules relating to agricultural burns may be found on the Yolo-Solono Air Quality Management Distict website via the following link: 

If a resident is burning only yard trimmings from their residence, they may conduct a rural yard burn on YSAQMD designated "Burn Days".  Prior to conducting a rural yard burn, the resident must call County Fire Dispatch at (530)666-8920 to determine the burn status and report the rural yard burn.  Additional information and specific rules relating to rural yard burns may be found on the Yolo-Solono Air Quality Management District website via the following link: